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Getting Started
B.A. BA & FAQ: starting up, the dead horses and the like
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lun. 6 juil. 2020, 11:55
Dans : Fl Studio 21.0.1 Crack + Torre...
Par : Just Keygen |
Music Software
Everything that makes music and audio in Windows
Sous-forums : Acid, Cubase & Nuendo, Gigasampler, Gigastudio, Gigapulse, GVI etc., Live, Logic, Pro Tools, Pyramix, Reaktor, Reason, Sadie, Samplitude, Sonar, Sound Forge, Plug-Ins and Virtual Instruments, Score Editors, Software on Windows
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jeu. 13 mai 2021, 03:09
Dans : Mypiano_chung Free Bass.dll Vi...
Par : chung |
Audio, MIDI, DSP Cards and Interfaces, controllers
Cards, interfaces, controllers Audio or MIDI in PCI, Firewire, USB…
Sous-forums : Digidesign Mbox, Mbox2, 001, 002 etc., Digidesign TDM, HD, Icon, Venue etc., Echo, Edirol, M-Audio, MOTU, RME, Tascam, Other Controllers, Interfaces, DSP Cards
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dim. 10 avril 2011, 15:38
Dans : Roland A-pro Control Surface
Par : pittrivers |
PC and Peripherals
OS, other software and hardware: Windows, PC, hard drive, burner, RAM, CPU, screens, printer, network…
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lun. 8 août 2016, 11:04
Dans : Powerpoint With Audio
Par : Plachad |
Switch Mac to PC
Coming from Mac OS, Windows PC equivalents, tips and tricks…
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mar. 18 déc. 2007, 07:16
Dans : Mac To Pc Ext Hd
Par : lepetitmartien |