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Full Version: New Servers For 440network
440 Forums > English > Site Life > Contribute, Organize, Meeting Up
Francois Déchery
I'm currently migrating our old USA based server to two brand new servers located in Europe...

If you reed this message, you're on the new servers! cool.gif

Would you please tell me if its faster, really faster, worse or if you dont notice any difference when accessing the forums?

Please also provide your location (your country).
Francois Déchery
I've now moved all the servers smile.gif

Could someone outside europe, please comment :
When you visit any 440 site (440forums,, 440tv...), Do you feel it's faster? much faster? slower?

Please also post your location (Country, State)

Thank you and merry christmas tongue.gif
Please please pretty please (with cherry on top and whipped cream) If you happen to be outside Europe, could you please give some feedback to Soif, especially if there some issues. It sure would help him. wink.gif
lunar 1
'Tis surprizingly "really faster" with no issues here in California, USA. Thanks!
I've had issues when using Google DNS, I'm wondering if it's happening to others or it's just bound to the service on the server I was using.
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