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Bryan Brown
Sexe non défini
78731 Austin
Bryan Brown n'a pas de présentation personnelle pour le moment.
Inscrit : 22 mai 07
Vus : 214*
Dernière visite : mardi 22 mai 2007, 22:57
Heure locale : mer. 26 févr. 2025, 16:34
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Howdy y'all,
I read MacMusic all the time and wanted to see if anyone out there is willing to help us.
I work for eSession.com. eSession is a music collaboration website that will launch sometime this summer. We allow users to hire and pay professional musicians and to collaborate with other users through the website. You can upload your tracks and allow people that you select to listen to them. You can also negotiate with people you hire through the site and pay them with our negotiation toolset.
You could literally hire the guy who mixed Peter Gabriel's SO (Kevin Killen) or Dweezil Zappa from our site and have him helping you out today.
It is really cool, but we are having trouble finding beta testers for the site. If you have a project you are working on and need a way to collaborate with other people through the internet or if need a pro-level musician or engineer to work on your tracks, eSession may help you out. Sending work requests to people in our talent database is free during our beta period (they usually cost $25) and we are giving free unlimited disk space as well.
You do need a DAW to use the site because you don't do the mixing online. You download tracks from the other people working on your projects and add them to your project locally.
If you are interested, check out the site (www.esession.com). If you have questions, send me an PM or email (bryan/remove_me\@esession.com). We aren't making any money at this point--we just need feedback and users to test the system.
Thanks, Bryan
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