Hi Guys!
Another stupid (?) question is coming from me
I am currently back on my old version of Logic 4.8 that is working fine.
I am trying to connect my Audity and...
- it is connected through the Fastlane midi-interface and the midiclock indicates that there is communication
- it is connected to the MOTU 828 by two pair of stereojacks from the Audity to channel 5-6 on the back of the MOTU
When I play a recorded midisignal from it the MOTU indicates lights in on channel 5-6 but nothing out...
Now....Is it supposed to be as a plug-in in Logic or as a multi instrument...?
In my OMS setup I have put it up as a new device connected through midichannels 1-2 but it keep saying that those channels are already in use and that it might interfare with the other connections...

When I first connected it to the midiinterface I put the midicable in "B in" but then I got no light indication of communication. When I moved it to "B out" the lights flashes as they are supposed to do...
I have a midikeyboard that I use for the ESX and the other software synths and samplers and there is communication between the Audity and the keyboard through the midi-interface.
So...again....should I put the Audity up as an instrument or a midi-instrument in Logic...?
I hope I have been clear enough for you to understand my problem...
Anyone...? Help...?

"I've been so lonely in my sadle since my horse died..."