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Heure locale : sam. 1 févr. 2025, 18:26
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I encounter the same message over and over again. ' YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF CPU POWER. TAKE OUT SOME PLUG-INS TO FREE UP CPU POWER ( -9128 )'. So I went on Digidesign web site and found all about this message and did all what should be done and still after a few seconds of listening to a recording or any other song, the same message appear. I've zero initialysed my hard disk and reinstall Mac OS9.1.1 on my power mac G4 400Mhz with 576 Mg of RAM and still the same. I downloaded Pro Tools Free a couple of times. Still the same. Duplicated my extension manager and custumized my setup to lower down the traffic in the CPU nothing works. But when I first used Pro Tools Free last year with Mac OS 9.0 it was working fine. Could it be that Pro Tools Free is incompatible with Mac OS 9.1?
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