I've been offered a good deal on a G4 Powerbook (400mHz, 10GB hard drive, Ultra ATA/66 at 4200rpm I think, 128Megs RAM)
Right now I'm using a PC, but I'm willing to switch because I've heard great things about Macs. I tend to use a lot of tracks of audio and I like my plug-ins too. So, I know I'd get more RAM and at some point, a larger hard drive. And also some kind of audio I/O, of course. What I don't know is how that particular hard drive will affect performance. At 4200rpm, is it just too slow to keep up, or is that a myth? Is there room/a slot for another drive in there? What is the best deal on a mininimum 2-channels of 24/96 I/O for this beast? Any other thoughts/advice/rants that you guys could share with me? Thanks in advance; this forum has been a big help to me on more than a couple occasions. Oh yeah...I have to decide by noon today!