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Né(e) le 3 Juil. 1978
(46 ans)
78201 San Antonio
junome303 n'a pas de présentation personnelle pour le moment.
Inscrit : 02 oct. 03
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Dernière visite : samedi 4 oct. 2003, 06:08
Heure locale : lun. 3 févr. 2025, 13:37
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hi everyone, I need some advice. I have for some time now (since around '98) or so been into the production of electronic music through the use of pc based software. In that time I have progressed from Rebirth...to Fruityloops type sequencing using mostly step time recording as a form of production. I have relied heavily on the use of softsyths, audio editing and exporting of wav files to really beef up or gritty out my sounds. I have also used plugins (effects and such) quite extensively in my songs. Now that I am in a new environment with a powerbook g4 1.25 with 1GB of DDR Ram I would like to change my perspective on how I organize my somewhat cpu reliant development. I'd like to invest in some sort of midi device that will allow for sample key playing and some sort of fader or slider movement of software. I'd like after some advice from a mac friend of mine to dive into digital performer 4 as a start. Any advice for a non-hardware (keyboards/samplers/etc) based and hoping to be "live performer" of electronica? And what's the story on audio interfaces? Thanks, juno.
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