What was I thinking? I somewhat inadvertently installed 10.3.5 not paying attention to the auto-update thinking it was a security update. Yes, stupid i know, I was on the phone, doing some editing, the screen popped up, and hell was unleashed.
So now, after rebooting, my ProTools crashes upon opening. It says "The application ProTools has unexpectedly quit...etc etc.." No error number or other message.
I know and read that ProTools is not blessing 10.3.5 just yet due to Ext. Firewire issues, but is anyone else having this drastic problem?
I have updated to 6.4 - and am running this on a 1GhZ G4 Powerbook...
Any ideas on what I can do? I guess I might be headed for a system-re-install back to 10.3.4
Kyle Schember