Battery Ou Stylus Rmx ? |
jeu. 15 févr. 2007, 22:55

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A propos des presets...
THIS IS A GUIDE FOR MY OWN WORK AND NOT INTENDED AS THE CORRECT OR ONLY WAY TO WRITE MUSIC EITHER FOR MYSELF OR OTHERS. 1. The use of sounds that exist already is not allowed. Subject to article 2. In particular:
* No drum machines. * All keyboard sounds must be edited in some way: no factory presets or pre-programmed patches are allowed.
2. Only sounds that are generated at the start of the compositional process or taken from the artist's own previously unused archive are available for sampling. 3. The sampling of other people's music is strictly forbidden. 4. No replication of traditional acoustic instruments is allowed where the financial and physical possibility of using the real ones exists. 5. The inclusion, development, propagation, existence, replication, acknowledgement, rights, patterns and beauty of what are commonly known as accidents, is encouraged. Furthermore, they have equal rights within the composition as deliberate, conscious, or premeditated compositional actions or decisions. 6. The mixing desk is not to be reset before the start of a new track in order to apply a random eq and fx setting across the new sounds. Once the ordering and recording of the music has begun, the desk may be used as normal. 7. All fx settings must be edited: no factory preset or pre-programmed patches are allowed. 8. Samples themselves are not to be truncated from the rear. Revealing parts of the recording are invariably stored there. 9. A notation of sounds used to be taken and made public. 10. A list of technical equipment used to be made public. 11. optional: Remixes should be completed using only the sounds provided by the original artist including any packaging the media was provided in. MATTHEW HERBERT 27-11-00/updated 05-06-03 P.C.C.O.M. Turbo Extreme
All rules of pccom apply, plus the following additions: 1. Once the subject of the track is established, only sounds directly related to that topic may be used. For example: if the track is about coffee, only sounds made by coffee farmers and their relatives; cups and spoons; milk; colombia etc, may be included. 2. finished tracks written under the terms of pccom turbo extreme may not be licenced to anything that is contradictory to the intention of the music. 3. Remixes will not be done with sounds used in the original. New noises on the same theme must be generated by the third party. 4. As much technical information shall be provided in order for others to reproduce the intention of the track, and to underscore the structural integrity of the work. 5. The piece shall endeavour to be good. Mediocrity is not an acceptable conclusion. MATTHEW HERBERT (2005)
dim. 11 mars 2007, 07:49
Maniac Member
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Inscrit : 12 oct. 04
Lieu : Région Parisienne - FR
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QUOTE (andre dalcan @ sam 10 mar 2007, 20:59)  C'est des sons différent ds le sound menu? Je pensais que c'etait fais avec les one shot. Quand tu dis en trigger deux, tu veux dire faire 2 pistes une pour chaque caisse claire? Ce sont certainement les sons des differents Kits organises par type de sons (il doit y avoir 3 ou 4 Sound Menus qu'avec des sons de caisse claire). A verifier si ce sont exactement et uniquement les sons utilises dans les Kit Modules. Pour ce qui est des samples a trigger, je disais que pour certains samples il peut etre necessaire de trigger 2 samples au lieu d'un, tout depend comment ils ont sectionne le Groove. Par exemple, assez souvent, sur un pied de grosse caisse tu as encore du signal de grosse caisse sur 1 ou 2 echantillons juste derriere l'echantillon principal du pied. Il est interessant de jouer (en respectant le declenchement temporel de ces echantillons) ces quelques echantillons en plus du pied pour conserver toute l'ampleur du son original. Ca devient fastidieux toutefois, voire parfois impossible, si d'autres sonorites telles que balais, hihat, crash viennent s'ajouter au son que l'on tente d'isoler.
dim. 11 mars 2007, 09:53
Groupe : Members
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Inscrit : 19 nov. 02
Lieu : Bruxelles - BE
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Essaye p.ê. ceci : http://www.xlnaudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1182e post, il y a une version mac UB, facile à installer. La demo n'est pas limitée en fonctionnalités, juste dans les sons. Et il y a une caisse claire dry-pop/rock, ça t'en fait une gratos et pas mauvaise en plus, son moins compressé. Décidément! 2e fois aujourd'hui que je renseigne ce lien... Je ne bosse pas pour eux pourtant
MacPro dual 2.66 - 8 Go - SL10.6.6- DP 7.2.1 - RME FFCE 800 - URS, Sonnox, Stilwell, Nomad Factory, Kontakt 4.2.2, Trillian, Stylus, EZ drummer, SD2, UVIworkstation, Altiverb - KRK - JBL Neve 8801 - Brauner - Roland A-37, etc.
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