Tascam Us-122 With Osx 10.3.2, compatable? |
sam. 21 févr. 2004, 21:51

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thanks a lot for the support. i wasn't looking in the right place in Sound Studio, i found it now and it does record fine. thanks for the other info and directing me to 'getting started.' i had just found this thread from google.
sam. 20 mars 2004, 14:15

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Hi, I just had the same problems with my G4 Powerbook and an upgraded Panther. The only way to get a working connection was to install Panther from scratch, not to upgrade it from Jaguar. Probably you have to plug in the US 122 immediately after installing the latest driver (US122_OSX_3_2_3.dmg). But this is just an assumption, because my installation failed when I tested it by starting the us-122 Manager without the US-122 plugged in. Amerigo
sam. 10 avril 2004, 13:19

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Hi everyone.
I´ve bought my self us-122 today and I can´t get it worked. I have a PB G4 and Panter, working with Logic 6.
I´ve installed all like it is written in the manuals and turn the audio input/output preference on us-122 and in Logic allso.
I can´t hear anything in Logic, after a few seconds a get a warning (error while trying to synchronise audio and MIDI).
Please help me!
mer. 14 avril 2004, 22:03
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I have a G4 desktop, a G3 notebook aswell as 2 PCs. I have experienced DIRE driver issues with the Tascam US-122 on all 4 systems. SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THIS DEVICE.
Tascam are particularly unhelpful- no updated drivers have been issued for quite a while and I'm beginning to think that the electronic design is at fault. I've viewed posts in a number of forums and, believe me, everyone has a problem with the US-122 of some form or another. Tascam- are you listening?
I can't say at this point that I'll be bying again from a company that provides a complete lack of support- what do you guys think?
ven. 11 juin 2004, 15:55

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the us 122 looked like a good interface to get and it was one ive been thinking about but after hearing all this i dunno if its worth getting. it seems like the issues are mainly getting it setup, after you actually get it setup and troubleshooted does it work good for the long run or are these problems reoccuring?
dim. 13 juin 2004, 00:32

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Inscrit : 12 juin 04
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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, my US428 doesn't work with OSX! Despite a couple of happy years with my little blue US428 and old-skool iMac OS 8. something, now I find myself unable to work it with a G4 powerbook and OSX. It simply doesn't recognise my US428 over the USB connection. Boring bit: OS X 10.2.8, 1 GHz processor, 512MB memory I downloaded driver 3.2.1 for OS 10.2.3 and up. No panther or Jaguar. I've tried redownloading, uninstalling and reinstalling, and repairing the permissions (whatever that means!) more than once. And I haven't had the blue wonder plugged in while I've done it. Any suggestions would truly be appreciated!
Ce message a été modifié par horge - dim. 13 juin 2004, 00:33.
mar. 15 juin 2004, 08:50

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Inscrit : 12 juin 04
Lieu : London - UK
Membre no 45,019

my mistake - it was the 3.2.2 driver that I downloaded and installed more than once. But no joy. That little USB light refuses to come on! Do you have the same specs as me?
lun. 28 juin 2004, 04:58

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Well, whaddaya know? I just got a new us 122, and it sucks ass! I'm running Soundtrack on my iBook G4 OS10.3.4 and the latency is absoloutly horrible. Oh it sounds fine while i record, but play that back and its about as off as off can be. I'm wondering if it's the program, but I doubt it after reading all of this.
mar. 29 juin 2004, 08:51
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Hi Poetry Animal! Sorry you don't like your US-122. I wish i cold answer your statements about the latency problems, but I have o answer since I have never had the problem. I have no idea exactly what you are doing or how you are trying to record, but I have cut several very sucessful Demo disks with my US-122 with no latency problems at all. I'm running an older G4 dual (Quicksilver) and OS10.2.8. IF you really don't like the unit make me an offer and I'll take it off your hands. Mine has worked great with both Garage Band and Reason 2.0. I find it to be the neatest box for the buck I have ever used. I"m serious about taking it off your hands.
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