Groupe : Members
Messages : 42
Inscrit : 02 janv. 06
Lieu : Kansas City - US
Membre no 74,692
i have no other way to describe what i'm wanting to do, so i'm going to try my best and hope someone understands me.
i bought Ableton Live 6 a couple years back and never have regretted it! someday, hopefully soon, i'll have the green to upgrade to 8, but for now this is still doing the trick. but keep in mind that this question is about version 6.
what i would like to do is set it up when the first part gets done at measure 128, the sequence will AUTOMATICALLY stop. then when ever i'm ready to start again, i simply press "play" and it continues from where it is at measure 128 (instead of starting again at the beginning). the major part is automating it to stop itself at various points because it's hard to press the spacebar if i'm in the middle of an intricate guitar part.