Moving Projects From Live 5.2 To M-powered . . . ?, is this possible ? |
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jeu. 13 juil. 2006, 16:03

Groupe : Members
Messages : 12
Inscrit : 25 oct. 05
Lieu : Kaliningrad - RU
Membre no 71,671

Yes, that's the way!
One little thing to remember is that you loose all send FX when you solo a track - well, at least in my 5.0.3 version. So you might want to mute rather than solo if you need your sends.
ven. 14 juil. 2006, 11:32


Groupe : Members
Messages : 43
Inscrit : 02 août 02
Lieu : IT
Membre no 6,502

fishboisfo, into ProTools MP you should have the ABLETON LIVE Rewire plugin, just create an aux stereo track in PT and insert this plugin, then open LIVE which will run in Rewire slave mode since it detects the open PT LIVE plugin; in this way the two programs will be syncrhonised (start/stop/rewind/forward) at the same bpm, and any audio track running in LIVE will be output in the PT aux track; now, to port the LIVE tracks into PT you must create a stereo (or mono) audio track into PT and assign as its input the bus 1/2, (remember to give the same output bus in the aux track), put this audio track into record mode and click the record button, (it's best to give a preroll time to PT so that the two softwares can perfectly sync one another); in this way the audio LIVE track is recorded into PT; if you want to record more LIVE tracks at the same time, you have to choose different output buses into the PT LIVE plugin, and different output buses into the LIVE tracks, let's say Bus 03 - Bus 04 for the first track, Bus 05 - Bus 06 for the second track and so on; obviously you must create as many audio tracks as the those you need to record into PT;
the only drawback of using this medhod is that LIVE in rewire mode cannot use the VST/AU plugins (it can use only its own plugins/instruments), so if you have VST/AU plugs and/.or virtual instr in your session, to port them into PT you have to 'freeze' them into audio tracks. hope this helps.
Ce message a été modifié par zeze - ven. 14 juil. 2006, 11:53.
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