S300+mac+ZIP, Akaï o.k with adaptec 2930? |
jeu. 8 mars 2001, 00:30
Member Groupe : Members Messages : 98 Inscrit : 19 mai 01 Lieu : Clermont-ferrand - FR Membre no 651 |
Hi everybody,
My name's J.Paul, and i'm a musician, working for myself! I use an Akaï sampleur S3000, and a Mac (O.S 8.6); recently i've put an Adaptec card Power Domain 2930... everything is O.K ...heu sometimes with the ZIP... except for the S3000!!! I can use the Zip, but when the S3000's turn'in on, i can't use Mesa,and ater that i can't use the ZIP no more!!!! Is somebody's got an idear ??? Thank you for you help! -- J.P --- mail-to jenny@nat.fr -------------------- ---
J.P --- |
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jeu. 8 mars 2001, 14:41
Junior Member Groupe : Members Messages : 107 Inscrit : 09 déc. 00 Lieu : Evreux - FR Membre no 24 |
i have the same configuration and i don't have any problem;:(
does the S3000 work whithout the Zip or not ? and how do you use the Zip , as a HD for the S3000 or only for back up for the Mac ? -------------------- KIRIKIKI !!!
GUI (dit le gars-gui) j'ai mes clefs, mon portefeuille mon telephone, ? mince, j'allais oublier mon compte MacMusic !! Devenez Active Member |
jeu. 8 mars 2001, 15:36
Member Groupe : Members Messages : 98 Inscrit : 19 mai 01 Lieu : Clermont-ferrand - FR Membre no 651 |
Salut merçi pour la réponse,
en fait je me servais jusqu'a présent de mon ZIP exclusivement avec le S3000 pour les tournées et depuis quelques jours j'ai cette carte 2930, mais déjà j'ai des soucis de lesctures de ZIP, car les ZIP ne sont pas forcément reconnus et généralement le Mac me demande formater parce que ce n'est pas le bon format... quand au S3000, dés que je lance Mesa, rien ne se passe et ensuite impossible de lancer Iomega tool car il me dit qu'il n'y a aucun lecteur ZIP connecter à la machine!!! Bref, je viens de ramener ma carte! des fois qu'elle soit défectueuse??? De toutes façons tout fonctionne hyper bien chez un ami avec le mon S3000 et le ZIP sauf que sa carte est un model en dessous!!! J'en suis venu à me demander s'il n'y avait pas une incompatibilité!!!!??? Mais je suis rassuré si tu me dis que cela fonctionne... et avec Peak?? tu as essayé? à+ merci! --- J.Paul --- -------------------- ---
J.P --- |
jeu. 8 mars 2001, 18:02
Junior Member Groupe : Members Messages : 107 Inscrit : 09 déc. 00 Lieu : Evreux - FR Membre no 24 |
hum hum !!
we are in the english forums if you wan't to speak french please post in the french forum !!! to answer your question i didn't try with peak yet !! for your problem with the Zip what i do is that i turn it on after i've had started the Mac. In that case , the Mac don't recognize the Zip and so the sampler can communicate whit the Zip and the Mac,( if the S300 as been started before the Mac) (sorry for my english i haven't practice for a long time ) -------------------- KIRIKIKI !!!
GUI (dit le gars-gui) j'ai mes clefs, mon portefeuille mon telephone, ? mince, j'allais oublier mon compte MacMusic !! Devenez Active Member |
jeu. 8 mars 2001, 20:41
Member Groupe : Members Messages : 98 Inscrit : 19 mai 01 Lieu : Clermont-ferrand - FR Membre no 651 |
sorry sorry for that mistake!!! i speak only in english now...heuu i will try... so here's the translate (short one...!)
In fact i use the ZIP only with the S3000 before install the SCSI card; so everything was rith between the S300 and the ZIP; now the Mac sometimes work with the ZIP and someetimes ask me to reformated the disk!!! but in all of case it doesn't works with the S3000!!! And if i try to using Mesa, after the unconnection with the S3000 (!!!!) i can't open the Iomega tools; a windows said 'there's not ZIP connected with the machine ' and i must started again the Mac!!! I bring back the card this afternoon and waiting for a crash test! Sometimes the cards are fu...ed when you buy it!!! incredible!! in fact i hope that's what it's hapend!!! is somebody use Peak with a S3000?? thank you! J.P -------------------- ---
J.P --- |
sam. 10 mars 2001, 15:03
Member Groupe : Members Messages : 98 Inscrit : 19 mai 01 Lieu : Clermont-ferrand - FR Membre no 651 |
finally i bring back the SCSI card and it was as i said before, the card was over!!!! Sorry for all these answer about my problems; but now it's O.K, they change the card, and now everythings work!!!
For Guy: I try with Peak and it's perfect!!! that's better than Mesa!! thanks everybody! --- J.P --- -------------------- ---
J.P --- |
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