X-station Users, I Need You Help |
dim. 8 janv. 2006, 13:22

Groupe : Members
Messages : 9
Inscrit : 08 janv. 06
Lieu : Brighton
Membre no 74,969

Hi all, cool forum. I’ve just got my grubby mitts on a X-Station. I’m having lots of fun controlling this and that within Logic & Live, loving the KS engine. I don’t have manual as it came from a friend who misplaced it and I cant print off the PDF from the Novation website as I don’t have access to a printer at work with out getting caught and have no access to the inter-web at home. I know, I know, it’s a tuff life I have. So I thought someone here may be able to help me. What I would like to do is record the X-Station’s KS synth into a Logic track. I’m using a G4 Powerbook and don’t have another soundcard apart from the X-Station itself. I’m using the X-Station as my main output straight into my monitors & only has the 2, left/right. It has a S/PDIF output. I know nothing about S/PDIF. Can I run S/PDIF output into one of the inputs or will that create a looping, blow my speakers to piece’s effect. It there a way I can do this with out getting another soundcard/interface, can you even run 2 soundcards on a Powerbook. Any advice would be appreciated largely Many Thanks I Know Nothing 23
lun. 9 janv. 2006, 14:20

Groupe : Members
Messages : 9
Inscrit : 08 janv. 06
Lieu : Brighton
Membre no 74,969

Thank you very much.
I shall have much fun. One of the main reasons for getting the x-station was the synth engine. I used to own a KS5 and loved it but due to trying to make my set-up more mobile I sold it, got powerbook, then the x-station.
Thanks again.
I do have another quetsion you maybe able to answer. Is it possible to use the x-staion as well as the powerbooks headphone output to cue? I would find this very help whilst using Ableton. I would imagine I would need some sort of audio router/mixer.
I Know Nothing 23
mar. 10 janv. 2006, 16:15

Groupe : Members
Messages : 9
Inscrit : 08 janv. 06
Lieu : Brighton
Membre no 74,969

That exactly what I mean. That’s a shame there isn’t an app about since the hardware is already there.
Could you point me in the right direction for gadgets of this nature? Wouldn’t some thing like a firewire thingy take up one of the precious x-station outputs? Or am I missing the point?
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