Pro Tools 6,2,3 Du Soucis |
lun. 29 mars 2004, 21:42

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salut a tous , je bosse sur PT LE, M box . Un gros power mac G4 1,25 ghz que je viens d'acquerir et mach five. Normalement de quoi passer de longues nuits blanches comme je les aime. Bref , j'ai un soucis depuis l'installe, mise a part mon CPu qui n'arrete de m'emmerder, encore plus qu'en 6,1,1 et surtout un gros signal de type sirene qui couine sans s'arreter, difficilement perceptible sauf qu'en u fous la gomme. bref je sais pas ce que sais , on dirait un sonar de sous marin et ça fait peur es que quelqu'un à une idée?? Le 6,2,3 devait etre un vrai bonheur et pour l'instant j'ai que des couilles mais j'aime pas raler alors fo que je trouve. A l'aide. P.S: si mac music n'existais pas , on serait bien dans le caca
sam. 17 avril 2004, 23:58

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Stable la 6 1 2 sous jaguar ? Pour l'instant celle que je viens d'acheter est déjà au SAV de mon revendeur : dès que je cherchais à enregistrer, le message DAE error 9060 s'affichait. Quelqu'un a-t-il une idée de l'origine du problème ? les technichos du SAV ont en tout cas l'air perplexe.
dim. 18 avril 2004, 13:44

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L'answerbase Digi!... Y'a qu'ça d'vrai...( www.Digidesign.com ->Support->Answerbase)
Donc: "Error 9060", ça donne:
-"DAE error -9060 when trying to record This can be caused by a new feature of Mac OS 10.3.x called Journaling. To disable journaling, follow these steps: locate the Disk Utility on your System hard drive, in the Applications folder > Utilities folder > Disk Utility. From theDisk Utility's File menu, choose Disable Journaling".
Et aussi: "DAE error -9060 - a general list of potential causes on Mac OS and Windows. 1. Pro Tools does NOT support RAID arrays. This error can occur if drives are connected to a RAID SCSI controller, or if drives have been striped or formatted with a RAID formatting utility such as "Soft Raid". 2. Corrupt audio files can cause -9060 errors. In this scenario, the -9060 error message will come up in exactly the same spot in the session. A simple workaround is to set the track containing the corrupt audio to "inactive". 3. In one case, a bad Volume Bitmap on the audio drive was the cause (Disk Doctor reported "the contents of the bitmap do not agree with the locations of all files in the catalog"). Run a disk utility on the drive to check it. If an error is found, backup your data, initialize the drive, then restore your data. 4. In one case this was resolved by removing a Jaz drive from the SCSI bus. 5. In at least one instance disabling Norton AntiVirus or Norton SystemWorks caused DAE -9060 errors to stop occurring when recording to SCSI or internal drives that were formatted with Apple Disk Utility. To do this run the Norton uninstaller or remove the Norton files from Library>Startup Items."
Ou encore: "After updating my system to OS 10.3, I get a DAE error -9060 when trying to record. I have Norton Utilities / system works on my computer. Solutions: If you have installed Norton Utilities on your system, either uninstall this software or make sure you are using a OS 10.3 compatible version. Many studios reported a DAE error -9060 while using an old version of Norton Utilities. Put the Digidesign Databases folder in the trash bin. You will find one of these folders on all of your drives. Disable journaling by following the steps below. 1. Run the Apple Disk Utility 2. In the main window, select the boot volume 3. From the File menu, choose "Disable Journaling" all audio drives should be initialized with the Journaling feature disabled".
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