Digital Performer 3, can't monitor midi properly |
dim. 31 mars 2002, 11:08

Groupe : Members
Messages : 2
Inscrit : 30 mars 02
Lieu : Kaneohe
Membre no 4,050

I can record midi information but can't hear it in the monitor mix unless I run a line out from my my module (PMA5) to a seperate record enabled anolog channel (828). I know this is defeating the purpose but it is the only way I can monitor. I did a test and the ins and outs are working properly . Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
mer. 3 avril 2002, 12:51

Groupe : Members
Messages : 10
Inscrit : 29 août 01
Lieu : London
Membre no 1,622

You are not alone i've got a similar problem (828 with a PBG3).
The crazy thing is if i use Cubase on a friends machine i don't have any problems...
ven. 5 avril 2002, 07:47
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Why the hell did you get DIGITAL PERFORMER3? its a HOAX!!! looks pretty, boasted by there programer in france at universons--
CUBASE can do better then that, and especially Logic Audio if you want to make PROFESIONAL sounding music rather then toy sounding like the intergrated reason1 (reason v2 is great)
but digital performer is a bad copy of studio vision pro and pro tools, no busses, fancy demos that are re written with the demo files rather then handling there subjects, proprietory audio, all the worst crap that digidesign ever did like releasing hardware that never works, the only good thing about motu is there midi and fire wire interfaces, there software SUCKS
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