"deep Space" Ir Library, Focused On Harmonies % Scales, targeting all common scales and types of scales |
mer. 14 oct. 2009, 21:20

Groupe : Members
Messages : 73
Inscrit : 13 juil. 02
Lieu : GENEVA - CH
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Hello everyone
I managed here to introduce to you my first official creation as sound designer :
About the library:
By listening to some downloadable examples of exotic impulses response libraries from different developers I thought that, noticing that they actually are joined together mainly by literary or purely subjective criteria, it should be possible (and by the way, much more appropriate for composers) to create impulse responses that would be, unlike the ones that for now are offered by the market in this particular area ( no disrespect for their creators, they are often very highly interesting stuff!) more precisely related to harmonies and diatonic scales
Already being experienced in how to reproduce as closely as possible the behaviour of sympathetic resonances created by comb filters with IRs created from scratch, the way was marked out to extrapolate what was basically focused on a particular tone, to a particular scale
Let's say that I'm also a big fan of these moods induced by Indian music drones. (you can get some beautiful drone effects with a guitar by using comb filter, I hope you'll forgive me to recommend you for the PC user the dronebox created by Oli Larkin, I sincerely trust that it still is an underestimated and very creative effect, and Oli's one is one of the most elaborate) Consequently, these impulses are dead easy to recreate immediately a similar mood, especially on a solo instrument : Just pick one of them on a desired scale anywhere out of the scale-related folder, load it in a convolution reverb (like SIR) inserted on your track and just begin to play, On the 100% wet side of your balance, it'll give you some deep, sustained, drones and pads bounded to the choosen scale,( the latency induced by SIR shouldnt be to annoying for that purpose)...and now increase the dry signal to hear how it mix with the convoluted one and choose the right balance for your performance.
But my biggest pride here is that these exotic impulses seems to be the first and the ony ones, as far as I know, that can be successfully and usefully placed inside a send/return loop, mixed with combined dry signals, as (or instead of) a reverb unit.
Of course, you need to be aware of the composition's structure of the songs you're mixing. By experience, I can say it depends on how intensively a type of IR (they are 19 "scale-related" types of them) is bounded to it scale, many of them allow you to play many alterations and as far as I experienced,a single impulse can do a good job for an entire composition in many cases.
This considering that most of the modern popular songs are directly inspired by traditionnal music, at least altered only by modal transpositions. Also many world musics in where the adaptation of traditional scales to chromatic steps are at least limited to a vey few similar scales that stays on agreeing modal transpositions.
A good criteria in my opinion would be the maintenance of a resonance that stays agreeing to ONE of the most important steps (1st, 5th, 4th) whatever are the scales varying throughout of your compostion,whatever you do, it will rehearse and keep an overall, pleasant consonance to it.
globally i have to admit that my skill as composer is limited, so i might have a real and major interest in your feedback related to that specific aspect
Some more tips, including a bunch of musical and didactic examples that you can find into the tutorial I've made for these IRs, tutorial that you can download here :
The related page on Dbu site here, (scroll down a bit) :
And finally, as demo, here a few downsampled examples of them, focused on G major scale (choose your favorite format )
www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/misc/G.exe www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/misc/G.sit www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/misc/G.sea
let us now listen here to a bunch of examples of all types :
1)- some DRY/WET/MIX samples on a didactic purpose
on e-pianoe : www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/DWM/01.mp3
on pipe organ : www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/DWM/05.mp3
a steel band : www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/DWM/06.mp3
a basson : www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/DWM/10.mp3
a marimba : www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/DWM/15.mp3
an heavy meta type of guitarl : www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/DWM/19.mp3
2)- here on solo sound sources and instruments :
a bird (slightly melodynized) www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/bird1.mp3
a choir ensemble : www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/Choir.mp3
a klavinett www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/Clavinet.mp3
an e-piano www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/Evp88+DSharpMaj10.mp3
a grad piano www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/Steinwa ... elMin7.mp3
tubular bells www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/tubular+GMaj11.mp3
-thev last example is the only one that contradict the focused scale as a kind of "harmonic countervoice"...such an effect can be handy to createc scary cinematic ambiances, for instance
3)- Finally, the most important to my eyes, as (or instead of) a reverb inside a send/return loop of a mixing table
Some ambient composition without rythmic sections
in C Major www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/brassoloinstr+CMaj4.mp3
D harmonic minor www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/DHarmoM ... re+smp.mp3
Lydian mode of C major www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/CMajLydian+multIRs.mp3
Myxolydian mode of C ajor www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/NewAgeO ... lydian.mp3
Some others with, rythmic sections or similar :
F ajor www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/SlowTem ... iFMaj7.mp3
D "double harmonic" (Two harmonic tetrachord based in D) www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/ultrabeat+multIRs.mp3
D harmonic minor www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/polyryt ... cMin14.mp3
Ionian mode of C Major www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/IR/groove.mp3
Finally three arrangements for other musicians :
www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/Kong/gnama.mp3 www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/Kong/maberre.mp3
A singer from Burkina Faso
A much more famous american singer from who a song as been given away for a remix contest, last year in Switzerland ________
Again, the related page on Dbu site (...i like spamming hehe !!):
Alexandre Borcic (Krakatau)
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