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Full Version: Propellerheads Rebirth On Wine/linux Propellerheads
440 Forums > English > Linux Music
Teraz Ja
Hi I was wondering if someone is running propellerheads rebirth on a linux system throu wine. Rebirth is now avaible for free download from as an installation iso (that is needed to be inserted while the program is runing) that you can burn on a cd, or use in virtual-cd-like program. The main question is: How setup wine, and loop-mount the rebirth iso cd to properly work on a linux platform? The second question is: Is rebirth running in wine from a burned cd? Becouse if it doesnt run from a burned iso, then it probably won't run from a loop-device.
Teraz Ja
Just found that they re-released Reborn (a linux Rebirth clone). Currently I don't have a soundcard, so I can't test it. It runs without problem on fc4 system (but I can't say anything about the sound quality).
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