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440 Forums _ Comments _ Pro Tools Corner - Mixing on AIR: Part 2 - Stereo Width

Écrit par : Articles dim. 5 sept. 2010, 23:16

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Pro Tools Corner - Mixing on AIR: Part 2 - Stereo Width

Écrit par : cmega dim. 5 sept. 2010, 23:16

What bugs me about even the most simple native PT plugins, like slap delay, is the fact that "Bypass" may bypass the effect, but the mere presence of the plug-in causes the sound to be different. For example inserting slap delay, setting it as mentioned above, and then bypassing it, I lost all the high-end in my mix. I must disable the plug-in to restore the real sound of the mix. In other words, toggling "bypass" to see how the effect works, doesn't really work. The other most noticeable, non-transparent plugin is PT's de-esser. It's presence in the insert chain, even if bypassed, darkens the mix considerably. So nothing to do with your Haas delay tutorial, which is great, just one of the many PT LE frustrations we gotta endure :^)

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