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Hello all, I am a total newbie to this forum and I have no idea if I'm even asking this question in the right place but... heres my story I am a guitar player in a band and I use a few different effects pedals in my live shows. I sometimes record in Garageband to put ideas down, and I use the effects in the computer itself rather than my own. I have always thought it would be so cool if my only effects processor was my laptop and some sort of pedalboard like this one here: http://www.behringer.com/FCB1010/index.cfm?lang=ENG . Is there any way to do this? Like, plugging my guitar into the computer, and then using some program that adds effects onto the live sound and is connected via firewire or usb to some foot controller? I have always seen this as the future of guitar effects, but maybe its very much the present! Let me know!
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