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Industrie de la Musique / Distributeurs
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Né(e) le 31 Mai 1983
(41 ans)
10011 New York
redstrype n'a pas de présentation personnelle pour le moment.
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Heure locale : mar. 11 mars 2025, 11:01
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I have a m-audio fw 410 connected to my monitors. Now my question is, is it possible to have this soundcard only assigned to Logic and not my whole system? Basically I want to monitor mixes in itunes through a separate set of speakers without having to go into the OSX audio/midi setup and switch the settings everytime.
Is this possible? Or will I have to continue with the switch a roo?
Thanks as always.
Basically I've got two rigs, my home studio and my mobile studio. Both are currently running Logic 8. My laptop is a Power Book g4 1.5 ghz, 1gb of Ram. I'm finding that, although Logic runs, it's very slow and I basically have to freeze every track that I'm not working on, a little annoying. What are peoples thoughts on migrating the laptop back to Logic 7 or even Logic 6? Or are there other ways to speed up the processing power? How much faster will the software run back in Logic 6? I realize I'll be sacrificing some compatibility as far as swapping projects back and forth, and also a number of features, but if that means I can work more efficently, maybe it's worth it. What are people's thoughts?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
I have a melodyne question for anyone who has the software, what's the main difference between Melodyne Plugin and Melodyne Cre8?I've been messing around with the demo and noticed a few things, are you able to copy a sequence of notes and drag them to a different octave in the plugin version to achieve a choir effect? Is that the main difference? What do people suggest buying?
Thinking about purchasing and any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks -Strype
Hi All,
I've just purchased a friend's powerbook G4 and I was wondering if it's possible to wipe his drive without reinstalling OS X, he's lost the Tiger install disc's and I was hoping not to have to purchase the disc's again.
I guess I could manually delete all the unwanted files and then create a new user account, but is there an easier solution that anyone knows of?
Thanks again,
I haven't had an opportunity to sit down and really dissect this problem, but here a brief description of what happened.
I started a session in the morning before work and left it for the day. When I returned in the evening to start work on it again I hit the space bar for playback and as the song played all the tracks simultaneously muted then unmuted and continued to toggle like this throughtout the 8 bar loop.
I first looked to see if something had been automated in, to no avail, nor were any of my controllers obstructed or being touched at all for that matter.
Any thoughts on this? Has anyone experienced anything like this?
I'm going to spend sometime tonight really getting into it, but if someone knows of a quick fix that would be really great.
Thanks for taking the time!!
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 jeudi 2 octobre 2008 à 23:51
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