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53081 Sheboygan
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Mon contenu
16 Nov 2005
I want to use our Yamaha Clavinova CLP-970A and a UX16 USB Yamaha MIDI interface to record keyboard tracks.I have a G5 iMac with garageband 2.02 and run OS X10.3.9.

Under the Audio MIDI Setup the device is recognized and the settings read as Also on the Clavinova I have the Host Select set to MIDI and the LED read out lists: MIDIOutChannel(directly under that)Main (and across from "Main") Ch1

In technical information for the UX16 it says that the device is compatiable with OS X 10.1.2 through 10.2.6 so that could be the problem. The Yamaha website offers a patch as an update but does not state the date the update was created or the compatibility of the patch.

Is this just a bad interface? Does someone have a much easier solution to this problem?

I want to burn CD's of the music my teenagers are playing on the clavinova. I would also like to be able to add a vocal track and a cello track. If there is a much better and easier way of going about this please tell me, I am open to suggestions.

9 Nov 2005
I want to do something I thought would be very simple. Transfer recorded songs from our CLP-970A Yamaha Clavinova to our G5 iMac with garageband via the Yamaha MIDI interface UX16.

I installed the driver and it shows up on the system preferences and the utilities folder under applications and MIDI devices. So the device is recognized by the computer.

The UX16 unit lights up, which according to the manual means information is being transmitted in either direction so there is a "hot" connection.

The Clavinova is not new, at least 5 years old and has the "XG" label on it. Is this the problem? Is the XG system obsolete or is it compatible with the UX16 device?

I would just like directions, in very simple terms as to how to transfer music the is played or recorded on the clavinova to my mac via garageband so I can burn CD's rather than using the direct audio jack to make cassette recordings.

I would appreciate any help anyone has to offer.
Thanks a bunch! blink.gif
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