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22221140 Rio De Janeiro
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Heure locale : ven. 7 mars 2025, 03:14
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I'm a singing teacher and used to record cds for my pupils' vocal exercises with an external cd recorder PHilips CDR 570 which was great but now it's broke and Philips has discontinued their production.java script:emoticon(':sad:')
I own now an e-MAC G4 1.42Hz that has a Garageband software but I realized I couldn't just plug in my mic (SHure BETA SM58) and record with Garageband, for there would be no gain.java script:emoticon(':o') So I think I need a preamp and I've been told the MAudio MobilePre USB is good for these simple recordings.
I live in Brazil and the MobilePRE here costs around US$ 320, so I'd like to be sure about this before I buy it. Could someone help me? Tx, Felipe
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