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07663 Saddle Brook
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9 Oct 2005
Hello. I've got an M-Audio Firewire Solo I've used in Garageband with success. I recently installed Logic Pro 7 and have difficulty using the M-Aduio through Logic. Logic recognizes the interface, and I've turned on the "core audio" feature to activate it. Three problems:

1) I cannot make Logic output through the interface.
2) I can record, but the only setting available is to record through all the device's inputs at once (which, among other things, causes the program to pan the recorded sounds). In Garageband I was able to specify which input on each track, and have a single input panned center.
3) I cannot find a "monitor" option; that is, to playback while recording.

Thanks to any Logic users who can help.
5 Sep 2005
Hello. I just bought an iBook G4. I'm experienced recording on my home made PC and would like to work on the Mac. I don't believe in spending money on interfaces--I think a simple interface with a mixer is a better bang for the money. So, all I want is an interface that will run either firewire or usb with a 1/4" input for the mixer. If all the interface has is a 1/4" I'd be happy with it. Unfortunately, the cheaper inferfaces that work with Mac only have 1/8", like Griffin's iMic. [Creative labs has a slew of cheap 1/4" firewire externals for the PC, but I've seen no evidence that Mac can run them.] The very cheapest one I've identified is M Audio's Jam Lab for $80, and that [they claim] is just for guitars. Can anyone propose something comparable? Anything cheaper?

My PC setup is an old school Creative Labs Soundblaster Platinum 16 Bit with a LiveDrive, which was their first I/O that mounts on a five and a quarter inch front panel. All I've ever used is the 1/4" jack on the LiveDrive. I don't suppose anyone will beleive me but I can't imagine the expensive interfaces, like DigiDesign's or M Audio's, improving on the LiveDrive noticeably or practically (worth the cost of the upgrade). But I'm new to the world of "prefessional" interfaces, so perhaps I can be convinced.
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