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Pat Hargan

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Musiciens / Guitaristes

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Né(e) le 31 Mars 1973 (51 ans)
000 Galway
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Heure locale : dim. 2 mars 2025, 17:09
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Mon contenu
23 Jun 2005
I'm using Rewire to route audio from Plogue Bidule and Max/MSP into Cubase SX, but I can't figure out how to record it. The Cubase documentation tells me I can do this using 'export audio mixdown', but this is unsatisfactory because (a) I would need to know in advance how long I am going to be playing for, and (b) once the export starts, I can no longer monitor what I am playing.

What I want to do is use a Plogue or Max patch as an instrument and record the audio, just as if I were jamming on a guitar and recording to an audio track - i.e. hit record and play. Surely this is the whole point of Rewire? Is there some way of routing the output of the Rewire channels to an audio track? When I tried this, the channels didn't show up as options on the audio track's input source box.
20 Jun 2005
When I'm using Cubase SX on my Powerbook, the audio playback cuts out when I click on another application window. How can I stop this happening? It doesn't happen with Plogue Bidule, for example. I have already checked the 'release ASIO in background' box in Preferences. Surely Cubase SX does not have to be the active window in order for audio to be monitored?
14 Jun 2005
Hi, I would welcome any help anyone can give me regarding a troublesome sync problem. I'm running a Line 6 Pod Pro via SPDIF into a Tascam FW1884 which is connected to a G4 Powerbook via Firewire, and I'm recording with Cubase SX.

The problem is this: the Pod doesn't have a clock input, so I'm slaving the clock for the Tascam/Mac and Cubase to the digital signal from the Pod. I've set the Tascam driver, the main Mac audio setup and the Cubase device setup to SPDIF clock settings, but the signal comes up on the Tascam as intermittent (the D IN LED blinks instead of showing solid). When this happens, horrible loud cracking noises come through my new monitors in a most distressing way.

Has anyone had similar problems or have any idea what the problem might be? I'm guessing the Tascam driver software is prime suspect rather than the Pod's output signal. Any help much appreciated.
26 Apr 2005
Can anyone tell me how to install the free sounds from the SampleTank website? I'm running Cubase SX on a G4 Powerbook with OSX. I've downloaded and registered SampleTank Free, which loads as a VST instrument in Cubase OK, but the free sounds I've downloaded don't appear in the SampleTank GUI. I've tried placing them in Applications, where SampleTank installed itself, and in Library/audio/plugins/vst, but neither seems to work. I tried the IK support, but the address which appears on the documentation seems to be defunct.
26 Apr 2005
Has anyone tried using Jack OS X or Soundflower in conjunction with a Tascam FW-1884? I have been trying to use Jack to connect between Max/MSP and Cubase, but when I try to connect them in the Jack connections manager, Cubase disappears from the list as soon as I try to click on it. It looks as though the Tascam driver is automatically taking control or something. Is there a workaround, or do I have do disconnect the Tascam in order to use Jack?
I had similar problems with Soundflower. I managed to route audio from Max/MSP to Cubase, only I couldn't monitor the signal via the Tascam.
Any help much appreciated.
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