I've previously successfully run Logic Fun under OS8 on a G3 laptop, playing files out via Quicktime, listening on headphones connected to the G3. I don't want to use any external instruments or MIDI interface stuff yet.
Now I've upgraded to an iBook running MacOS9 and/or MacOSX, Logic Fun no longer plays the songs out the speakers, via Quicktime.
Instead I just get this message saying:
"MIDI data couldn't be sent. Check interfaces. Turn off unused ports in the preferences to speed up program."
But I don't want MIDI data to be sent, and in the preferences area, I have set the communication selection to "None".
I've been to the Sound-On-Sound website and set up my extensions as they suggest, but still no joy.
Downloaded the latest Logic Fun version 4.7.1. Still no joy.
Problem - seems like Logic Fun can no longer communicate with my Quicktime software.
Any ideas??