I produce house music. I am about to purchase a Power Mac. I am definetely going to buy Propellerhead's Reason software.
I am now trying to decide whether to complement that software with Pro Tools LE 002 or Logic Pro 7? Pro Tools LE 002 vs. Logic Pro? Logic Pro comes with sounds, but I already have plenty of outboard sounds and Reason will provide sounds as well. Pro Tools is industry standard on the other hand and comes with the required hardware, but some say there is better hardware out there, such as Motu or Apogee although I am not familiar with these products.
I would be particularly interested in hearing from producers in the UK, and/or producers who do house or work in other electronic music genres. But ALL opinions are of course welcomed! Incidentally, what is the more popular platform in the UK - Logic or Pro Tools?
Atlanta, GA.