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Techniciens / Ingénieurs du son - Cinéma
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1012 XK Amsterdam
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Heure locale : ven. 7 mars 2025, 03:18
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Dear all, this is my first posting, so please be gentle... Upgraded from dp3 to dp4 on an imac g4 800mhz. Recording voice with a usb-edirol-ua3d was fine in dp3. But in dp4 noise appeared in recorded voices, with the same hardware/device settings as in dp3. Messing around with buffers etc. has resulted in identifying two different kinds of noise: 'Clicks' every 5-15 seconds like a grain of sand on vinyl. Little 'crackling' sounds, constantly, more so on top of parts with higher amplitude. By playing with ALL the settings in 'Hardware' and 'Studio Configuration' I can either make the clicks or the crackling go away completely, but never the both of them. Am I forgetting something, some settings somewhere, some good old trick, some preferences. Or am I to return to dp3 and OS9? cheers, zimpy
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