I just installed a second hard drive for storing the audio files used in my Logic songs, as recommended by everyone who uses Logic - I opened my songs, opened the audio window and moved the audio tracks to a new folder on the Audio Hard Drive. Saved the songs.
But when I try to play a song, it is silent, and the output meters on the left of the track name in the Arrange page are blank..
However, when I open the Audio file in its own window and double click to play, it plays fine...
When I move the files back to the main hard drive using the Logic audio window, again silence. Then I moved them using the Mac system, dragging them, and restarted - bingo! It works fine again.
What am I doing wrong???? I'm moving files using Logic, saving the Songs - the tracks are on the Audio Hard Drive, I can see them, but Logic won't play the Song containing them!!! Please can someone help me, this is doing my head in.....