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Techniciens / Ingénieurs du son - Musique
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78664 Round Rock
soon2be n'a pas de présentation personnelle pour le moment.
Inscrit : 04 juil. 04
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Dernière visite : vendredi 6 août 2004, 06:02
Heure locale : ven. 7 mars 2025, 02:57
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Mon contenu
I'm very interested in making music but right now live sound is more important for me to know. And even though Im learning the baby of basics when it comes to making music and sounds on the computer I want to be able to focus more on live performances. So I need to be able to bounce some simple questions and have them anwered in simple terms.
What (to you, the answerer) is the most important quality in a live sound engineer? What is the first thing I need to focus on?
I know things here and there from listening and watching but I dont have a starting point, so therefor I dont know which way is up. I dont know if there is a way up really because the more you know the better huh?
Where can I learn the basics of how to learn EQ. EQing is my first big obstacle. I want to be a sound engineer and I have good mechanical skills, now i just need to learn what I have to do to become an engineer. Any suggestions? help.
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