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Musiciens / Guitaristes

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Né(e) le 11 Nov. 1951 (73 ans)
54703 Eau Claire
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Mon contenu
11 Sep 2004
Bought the Sampltank 2XL upgrade from the free LE version (which I never installed.)
Playing around I noticed that C' in one patch is different (sharp or falt to a very discernable degree) from C' in another patch.
This makes the out of pitch patches unusable with the correctly pitched ones.
What am I doing wrong? This is not a mod wheel issue as the wheel is stationary at all times.
Suggestions please?
22 Aug 2004
I'm close to ordering an M Box as an introduction to Pro Tools and recording in general. I see that the M Box does not come with a midi interface. Is it still possible to hook a keyboard/ controller up to it and play a soft-synth sampler? Is this what the interface is for? What kind of connections? How do you go from keyboard USB to the interface, or maybe it's the keyboard directly to the computer? And some keyboards have midi out too? So many questions and no dealer within a hundred miles.

With the M Box, can you use studio monitors, or just earphones?

What brand of interface would anyone recommend (assuming that's what is needed)?

What controller? I'm a guitar guy, so will be doing the hunt and peek method of playing. The Edirol PCR 50 has caught my eye, but as I say, I don't know what I'm looking at.

Help and advice will be greatly appreciated.

Equipment so far:
G5 dual 2.0
Rode NTK
TC Helicon preamp


13 Aug 2004
Avid (digidesign) just bought M-Audio

Check out the news releases at M-Audios home page:

Interesting, eh?
11 Aug 2004
Are they all pretty much the same?
I want to layer in some standard instrument sounds, strings mostly to add some depth to guitar, vocals and percussion. I'll be using a software synth (not certain which one to buy yet).
Want to spend under $300.00 US.
Also, I notice some connect by midi, some by usb, and some both. Are there advantages to one type of hook up over another in pro tools LE/ G5 2.0. (Digi 002, or Mbox, not certain which yet.)
17 Jul 2004
Brought home a 2.0 G5 with 1 gig of ram this week. Now I'm ready for the hardware step, but which direction should I go? I've heard Pro Tools is the standard. My plan is to record vocals and acoustic (maybe a little electric) guitar live and use some sort of device (synth or sampler?) to add drums/ bass. strings etc. The vocals may be just me, but more likely also my singing friends (all together or single track at a time?)
So what should I buy? I've got the funds to get decent stuff, not like unlimited though. MOTU? Pro Tools LE? Other?
Advise soon please.
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