Dear Forum
You may be interested to know about the
Pacific Songwriting Competition - $25 000 Cash Prizes.
http://www.pacificsongwritingcompetition.comHere is a short paragraph about the competition.
Pacific Songwriting Competition
The New Zealand based Pacific Songwriting Competition seeks excellence in expression. The competition is sponsored by an Opera Singer with a passion for original music and those who create it .The cash prizes total $25 000 and 2 i Pods are to be given away on the 500th and 1000th entry. The competition is open to all nations, genres and both amateur and professional songwriters. The sponsor wished for an Ad Free Site with occasional quotes and songwriting tips.
Confirmed Judges
Frankie Stevens (New Zealand) Pop
Suzanne Prentice (New Zealand) Country
Rachael Sage (United States) CafÈ Scene
Marvey King (Australia) Open
Peter Kearns (United States) Lyrics
More Judges announced shortly -
http://www.pacificsongwritingcompetition.comYours Sincerely
The Team @ Pacific Songwriting Competition