i thought i would post this in case anyone else is experiencing the same woeful state of affairs.
this is from an email i sent m-audio about problems with my brand new midiman audiophile 2496 card:
computer: Apple
model: G4 533 MP
cpu type: PPC
cpu speed: 533 x 2
ram: 1.5 Ghz
gfx card: Radeon 8500 Mac edition
os: Mac OS 10.2.1 server
Midiman products used: Audiophile 2496
When did it start? soon after installation
Services or Updgrades? no
The Problem:from time to time, the sound starts to deteriorate and rapidly gets worse. as soon as i stop the audio (in this case iTunes 3.0.1) and restart, its ok.
The reply i got today:
"We are working with Apple to pinpoint exactly what the issue is with the degradation of audio in Jaguar. This is apparently a problem several audio vendors are experiencing. Once we can get to the bottom, we will post a fix on our site. In the meantime, I would strongly recommend using OS 10.1.5 or OS 9.2 until there is a fix."
hmmmm....uninstall jag. great...