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Né(e) le 18 Juin 1966
(58 ans)
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Heure locale : mar. 11 mars 2025, 13:46
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maybe someone out there has some usefull information about these 2 pieces of hardware i recently got. first i got a synth: m3r korg - incl. manuals (so i'm not completely lost by using this piece). question: is there any software out there for editing this synth. i could do it directly on the synth, but hey i'm more the visual type of user - so a little 2lines display and 10 buttons with around 3 funtions each drives me crazy) i know there is some kind of hardware controller for this synth but i cant get one ...
if there is any sw ... it should run on os9.2.2 on a PB G3 333mhz.
the other thing i got (as a present) is an akai me15f midi dynamics controller without manual - i'm not shure if i'll ever need this thing, cause at the moment i'm fine with my usb-2-midi 2i/2o from steinberg. any hints what this midi thing is good for?
recently i bought an imic because the line-in of my apple powerbook g3/333 does not work properly - is broke
the system i run is mac os 9.2.2 / d1 (german edition)
the system profiler recognizes the imic (actually 3 - as written on griffin support pages)
everytime i plug the imic into the usb port i receive a system-message telling me something like this (rough translation from germam)
"the required software for the usb-device "imic usb audio system" was not found. please install the software according to your manual. if you decide not to install the software plug off the device to avoid this message. (ok)"
the only software i found is some sort of controlpanel called "imic control" in the about-window it does not recognize the imic
the controlpanel "sound" does not recognize the imic
the imic is plugged directly to the mac - no hub... ...
any ideas?
TIA, tomdivan
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