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I searched the forum for "tweaking osx" "optimizing tiger" "streamlining Tiger" etc... with no luck.
Surely someone has brought this up, If so, would you mind directing me to the thread?
I'm running Tiger on a G4 PowerBook (400mHz), 1 gig ram (maxed), using Live5 with only a minimal number of native Live FX (mainly eq's). However, I have a lot of tracks going and they're all longer than 3 minutes each
I'm trying to make OS X as lean as possible (already maxed out my cpu useage to 80% in preferences, any way to completely disengage dashboard?) I don't have any other apps or plug-ins running. I plan on transferring all my sound files to an external to use for my live shows. I'm also using a motu 828mkII via firewire for my main outs.
Anything else I can do? and thank you in advance for the info.
ok so I'm running Live 4.0 and Reason 3.0 on a G5 along with an 828mkII, my buddy brought his PC laptop with Reason 1.0 (along with midi port so he has 1 in/out midi connection). I'm running Live as the master on the G5, sending midi clock sync out the 828's midi port and feeding into the pc's midi in.
not syncing...
I'm thinking it's because the versions of rewire might not be compatible (reason 3.0 vs reason 1.0?)
Even though we're running mac and pc, it's still just midi clock so there should no compatiblilty issues regarding that?
am I just missing a small step?
I've read the Live and Reason manuals, but I'm more or less looking for step by step instructions, any help is appreciated!
I've got Reason rewired into Live, and I'm recording the output of Reason into Live.
I'm using the 828mkII as my soundcard at 24/96. Reason/Live are also set to 24/96.
About halfway through the song, there's a HUGE block of digital distortion that just starts at random times. Sometime more than once in a single pass.
This should be a simple procedure, what's up with the crazy distortion ?
G5, Dual 2.0gHz, 2 Gig Ram, Live 4, Reason 2.5, MOTU 828MKII.
Thanks y'all Fields
I've got a G5 + 828mk2 with Optical In & Out (Toslink or ADAT).
I know I have everything plugged in correctly, because I can play songs in iTunes and hear it through the digital monitors. (using the Toslink Output on the 828 to feed the digital monitors).
The problem is: When I start up Reason, audio is not played back through the digital monitors at all. I've got signal in Reason, and signal on the 828mk2's meters. But no sound in the monitors...
I can get signal through the headphones output of the 828, but nothing in the monitors.
any help appreciated.
I'm in the market for a MOTU 896HD.
However, I am NOT in the market for pro monitors, right now.
So, I've got the high-end Logitech computer speakers that came with the G5, they are getting signal from the Optical Out from the G5.
My question is: Can the 896HD's ADAT Lightpipe Optical Out be used as a monitor send to feed the Optical In of my monitors?
Just curious, If it won't work, then I'll just wait to buy the 896HD until I have enough cash to buy pro monitors too. I guess I could always use the headphones out to monitor the 896HD as well.
Appreciate any info, Fields
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