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Techniciens / Ingénieurs du son - Cinéma

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Né(e) le 9 Déc. 1963 (61 ans)
59000 Lille
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Mon contenu
30 Nov 2008
I've been a long time Roland user before switching to Korg, after reading so many laudatory reviews of the first Triton (1999, if I recall well).
Yes, I was stupid because I bought it without even trying it, convinced that it was a god's gift after those deceptive reviews... and that I could keep it fo ever.

First of all, I was struck by the interface and menus: it looked like old MS-DOS ghost coming back!!!
Seemed that Korg engineers had no idea of what was a nice computer with user friendly menus (did I say Mac? tongue.gif) , they did everything on the contrary of what was coherent.
By that time USB was starting and those morons implemented ADB instead and an old Floppy drive!!! (yes you could buy a priceless SCSI expansion, great... sad.gif
I was petrified when I heard the piano sounds and the violins! even my old low price Roland SC55 was better!!! Well maybe for techno things it was ok, but I don't play techno...

I'm mainly a guitarist so I haven't used it very much and my father died also that year so I started heavy testing more than one year later and was more and more amazed of the nonsenses I discovered.
They're so numerous that it would just be boring to state them here, but mainly every wise thing I wanted to do was impossible (and I'm a computer and sound ingeneer, so it's not that I wasn't able).
I wrote some of them in a text file for anyone interrested...
Just some examples:
- if you want to use SongPlay mode to chain songs in a gig, you can't start them with a footswitch!!!
- This mode uses the same set of sounds for all the songs, forget using different sounds on each song during a gig!!!
- And worse of all, it doesn't even start immediately when you press START!!!
Was I asking too much???

Ok, let's use Sequencer mode instead?
Well, it's quite ok (so what's the use of SongPlay mode? rolleyes.gif ) but if you want to stop a song in the middle and restart (I've got a few songs with that kind of breaks and I have to start again for the end of the song to occur), no way! It stops exactly when you press STOP (or the pedal) which makes sense in a way, but there's no option on how you start back, meaning that you start where you stopped: useless! It would have been nice to have an option to start to the next measure or position at next song's start point... angry.gif

Then, after less than two years of scarce use, all the panel switches started to rust (I had to strike them harder and harder...), I thought it was because I wasn't using it enough and as the guarantee was over, i hoped that using it more would change something, but of course not...
(note that i said "rust", but it's just a metaphor, my Triton has always been in a dry room)
I haven't mentionned the noise of those switches! If you have to set something in a silent moment, all the audience hear "cloc", "cloc"... (same thing about the dazzling Touch Panel: I had to put coloured gelatine to protect my eyes and not look like a vampire in dark gigs biggrin.gif )

Well, I finally used it as a rhythm box even if the drum sounds are not amazing, but what saves the Triton is its effects, amp simulators and so on.
For a 2000€, it's quite an expensive rhythm box!!! blink.gif
Oh nice organ sounds also, whith excellent rotary simulation!!!

So, I can't use it for what I need on stage, in the end I swear I'll never buy Korg again (even if Roland hasn't made any synth worth in the past decade — as it has been before with D10, D50, W30, SC series), and most of all, I swear I'll try thoroughly anything before buying! blink.gif huh.gif unsure.gif
24 Mar 2006
Les heureux possesseurs de carte Digidesign Audiomedia 3 le savent bien, PT 6.2.3 est la dernière version qui reconnaît leur carte.
Quand on passe à Tiger, la majeure partie des applis continue à tourner sans problème, mais PT dit un message genre “digi IO occupé par une autre application” (le système, je suppose).
Digidesign s’en lave les mains en disant qu’ils ne “supportent plus” cette carte d’autant plus lorsqu’on l’a achetée d’okaz comme moi et qu’on ne peut pas s’enregistrer parce qu’on n’a pas respecté la procédure VIII b alinéa c... :-(
Dans le fond, heureusement que je ne l’ai pas achetée neuve au prix fort, sinon c’est moi qui ne les supporterait plus !!! ;-D
Étant informaticien d’origine, mon flair me dit qu’il n’y a sans doute pas grand chose à faire pour que ça marche (une bidouille dans le système ? Un traficotage dans ProTools pour qu’il ne contrôle plus si la carte est utilisée ?)
Pour avoir essayé l’install de QuickTime 7 sur l’OS 10.3.9 et avoir plus ou moins obtenu le même résultat, seulement impossible apparemment de virer complètement QT7 et remettre QT6.5.2 (même avec l’appli fournie par Apple qui ne concerne que Panzer).
J’ai quand même essayé le Coreaudio 7.0 par curiosité, mais évidemment sans résultat.
Si quelqu’un a une idée ou a déjà trouvé le truc, merci de me mettre au parfum.
Si non, pourriez-vous me conseiller des sites d’utilisateurs au cas où...

Salut à tous !
28 Dec 2005
Il y a un site italien avec un concours important auquel participe un de mes morceaux... (c’est la RAI, qui avait diffusé ce morceau en mai dernier)
Si vous pouvez me donner un coup de main (à priori avant le 01/01/2006...).

Il faut aller là

Rechercher “Christian Parent & The Buddhist Sons” (cliquer sur “C” puis descendre avec l’ascenseur) et cliquer sur la note “10” ;-)
Pour ceux qui sont super-cools (et au chômage ;-) on peut voter cinq fois par jours (y compris lors de la même connexion), et dix fois si on s’inscrit (login, etc.)...

Merci à vous et Bonne année !

P.S. : tant que j’y suis, j’ai remastérisé mes morceaux dernièrement, toujours disponibles gratis à
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