Hey all.. I went and got a Tascam US-428 and a Behringer UB1002. I needed the mixer because the US-428's XLR inputs do not have phantom power, so it wouldnt work with my Behringer B2-Pro mic.
My issue is this, im not quite sure how to connect the mixer to the 428. The 428 has 4 inputs, 2 are XLR/1/4" Line connectors, the other 2 are just 1/4" line connectors (im not mentioning the MIDI ports cause its not important for my issue).. The mixer has a "main out" jacks, but are analog 1/4" left/right jacks.. I figured I would be clever and use a dual mono 1/4" plug to a single 1/4" jack, then use a 1 to 1 cable to hook into a 1/4" connector/jack which was plugged into the Tascam US-428. I realized I wasnt so clever as the sound wasnt that great, high static in the background. I played with the gain on the 428 and the mixer and got it better but not as well as I would like..
My question is, how do those with 428's and external mixers connect the two? I only have 1 mic to the mixer so I was gonna try using the FX Send output jack (single 1/4" jack) directly into the 428 Line A input jack and see how that sounds.. Help... PLEASE?

Also, I have a Roland Fantom-S keyboard where I make my music and hook it up into the digital input port on the Tascam. Last night, when playing with getting the mixer working, I think I changed something and cant figure it out. Now when I go to record my music from the keyboard, the playback is very low (even when free playing the keyboard the levels in Cubase SX, arent going up as high as they would normally).. Any ideas on what I could have screwed up? Sorry for all the confusion, im very new to all this (as far as recording the music, etc.. on my own.. got tired of paying someone else to do it for me)...
Thanks in advance!! Im sure ive left something out, some important detail, please ask for clarity if required