Well I just got my 'Big Box' with Logic Audio 6 in it. Have big hopes to be able to use the sample player and sequencer/digital audio recording capabilities of Logic, but not having much luck so far.
Firstly I was originally planning on using this setup with OSX, but I found that although Logic Audio 6 was provided for both OSX and OS9, the other products in the package were not. They only seem to work as VST instruments under OS9. That's ok. I can live with that.
But in the process of setting this all up, so my controller keyboard works, I found that in OSX it easily recognized my keyboard without any effort, but in OS9 although my keyboard is being recognized by Digital Performer without any problems, Logic Audio 6 doesn't seem to see my MOTU Midi Express XT USB interface, despite the fact that I have installed FreeMIDI, and all the drivers and other programs see it.
I guess my question is pretty simple - how the hell do you get Logic Audio 6 on OS9 to see a MOTU Midi Interface? My guess is that Logic is not FreeMIDI compliant. But if this is the case, what are my options here?
All help greatly appreciated.