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The Emagic Legacy Product Support link redirects to a Logic Studio page and there's no site of drivers or software updates. Does anyone know why and if there's an alternative website?
Has anyone else here got stuck in the activation loop? Any solutions? I've contacted tech support far too many times and no useful answer has come from them Tried uninstalling everything Reaktor related, installed everything according to NI's instructions and still can't use R5. I do manage to activate it but when I open Reaktor I'm asked to re-activate. And this goes on and on and on... I'm beginning to miss the dongle
From their website:
"Waldorf Edition Update V1.2.3 30/10/2006: This update is strongly recommended for all users of the new Waldorf Edition package published by Waldorf. It addresses the following issues:
Saving and loading of Sounds and Banks on computers with Intel processors (Windows and Intel Mac) with the PPG Wave 2.V. The resulting files had some wrong values that might result in wrong behaviour or even crashes when loading them or opening song projects. Note that the PPG Wave 2.V 1.2.3 can load these erroneous Sounds or Banks and saves them back properly if wanted. Opening the PPG Wave 2.V as AudioUnit in Logic might result in up to 32 output channels assigned to the PPG Wave 2.V when run as a multi out instrument. On these outputs, digital noise might have occured. Note This update only works with the Waldorf Edition published by Waldorf. The update does not work with and is not needed for the legacy Waldorf Edition published by Steinberg. Customers of Steinberg's Waldorf Edition can upgrade to the new Waldorf Edition. Contact your local distributor for details."
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 mardi 8 septembre 2009 à 12:31
Il n'y a aucun ami à afficher.