Hey Everybody. I recently switched from my old 800mhz P3 to my brand shining new PowerMac duel 1.25gHz G4. While on my PC I used an Aardvark Direct Pro 24/96 recording system, which gave me 24bit 96kHz audio input, as well as one set of MIDI inputs. Now that I'm on Mac OS X, I've come to find out that Aardvark doesn't currently have OS X drivers, and the drivers they do have for past versions of the OS are only in beta, and have been for some time. This leaves me to find a new interface. I've looked at a few, but want to hear your own recommendations. I'm looking for something in the price range of 350-400 dollars USD with 24bit 96kHz audio. MIDI i/o would also be nice. Thanks in advance.