Biome Digital has announced the release of Club Risers, featuring 200 sound FX for electronic music production.
Here's what they say: "Nearly 700MB of uplifters, pitch risers, panners, noise sweeps and many more. This huge pack of risers is a work of passion and full of energy, movement and excitement ready for you to inject into your latest tracks. Sound sources include analogue & digital synthesizers, noise generators, re-sampling & heavy fx processing. Files are individually named and contain number of bars for easy selection."
The pack contains 200 carefully designed, sampled and processed sound FX in the following categories:
2-Bar - 47 Sounds.
4-Bar - 89 Sounds.
8-Bar - 48 Sounds.
16-Bar - 16 Sounds.
05 Kontakt Instruments containing all sounds. Mix & Match sounds creating 1000s of unique combinations.
Available to buy now from Video Demo