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Industrie de la Musique / ~Autres
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Né(e) le 21 Oct. 1977
(47 ans)
84280 Koh Tao
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Inscrit : 02 janv. 03
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Heure locale : mar. 4 mars 2025, 01:37
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can anyone help me? i am using a g4 powerbook for video editing and really want to start using it for audio as well.unfortunatly i am in a very cut off part of the world so i am having the stuff bought out from the u.k. basically what i want to do is to be able to take a recording from a minidisc or a mixer and be able to pipe that into a program that will allow me to play around with it and transform it into mp3. my powerbook comes with a single line in,is it possible to just use that? if anyone has any advice for me please get in contact as my delivery will be leaving the uk on the 12th of this month. thanks a lot.
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