Which Mac?, Mac for DAW |
dim. 21 sept. 2003, 21:56

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Groupe : Editors
Messages : 15,189
Inscrit : 23 déc. 01
Lieu : Paris - FR
Membre no 2,758

Welcome Vijay! First what exactly are you doing with it? Inputs/outputs needed. Restrain the question a little it'll help to answer. Have a good read here too, a lot of config questions have been already asked and there's deep knowledge in it
lun. 22 sept. 2003, 06:41

Groupe : Members
Messages : 10
Inscrit : 21 sept. 03
Lieu : Chennai - IN
Membre no 25,145

Hi Martein Im basically gonna record and mix around 20 channels...So ive choosen to buy a Motu 828...but then im not very sure tats a good idea but i heard tats a gr8 piece of hardware.can i use 828 with imac?is digi 002 is good than 828? both works on a firewire so it will work with imac rite?anyway getting a G4 is extrememly expensive in india say 100% more cost. tats why im looking for an i mac...but i want to make sure tat it should do well else il spend for a G4...thnks for ur help...
lun. 22 sept. 2003, 06:56

Groupe : Members
Messages : 10
Inscrit : 21 sept. 03
Lieu : Chennai - IN
Membre no 25,145

Hi chuck what software you use for mixing and editing with 828? i think 828 has only two XLR inputs so what have you done to have more inputs?is there any latency problem with i mac? thnks for ur help.
lun. 22 sept. 2003, 08:23

Groupe : Members
Messages : 10
Inscrit : 21 sept. 03
Lieu : Chennai - IN
Membre no 25,145

so is it a good buy to buy a G4 1.25 i mac with 1 gb of ram a motu 828 ?do ya think its a good setup? or can i go for a power mac G4 and go for a pci based card?
lun. 22 sept. 2003, 08:33

Advanced Member
Groupe : Members
Messages : 495
Inscrit : 12 oct. 01
Lieu : Chandler - US
Membre no 2,003

I think the G4 iMac and 828 will be a great way to go, as long as you do not forsee the need for some type of expansion. That is the true drawback to the iMac, when it comes to changing cards and such, it becomes a real pain, or impossibility... I went with an iMac because of the price, and then added everything else externally. It has been a realy great ride so far, but I'm looking to buy the new G5 power mac for expanability (ie changing of burner, addition of harddrive space, capabilities of utilizing true 5 point surround sound), but that is still a long time off.
lun. 22 sept. 2003, 09:14

Advanced Member
Groupe : Members
Messages : 495
Inscrit : 12 oct. 01
Lieu : Chandler - US
Membre no 2,003

The only reason I would go for a G5 is because it is the latest. I'm not sure if it is all that better than a G4, but anything is going to be better than the G3 I'm using now. I guess it all comes down to cost. If something cheeper will work fine for an accepable period of time, then go for cheeper. I go for something that is going to last the longest. There are alot of variables in the mix. If at sometime in the near future you're going to be able to get a G5 at a reasonable price, you might want to question the purchace of an iMac G4. If you're going to be stuck with your choice for a long period of time and funds might not be available in the future, go for the biggest bang... Also, you are going to be using a different platform, so it might be a wise choice to go for the iMac, as you may find it does not suit your needs (doubtful) vs. a PC. At any rate, the 828 is universal, and extreemly usefull.
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