Apogee Duet?, Question - what to purchase for Logic Studio/iMac |
ven. 19 oct. 2007, 23:05
Groupe : Members
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Inscrit : 11 juin 03
Lieu : Kingsland - US
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I will be running Logic Studio on iMac 20" 2.16. Korg keyboard, Kirtzweil Micro Piano, and possibly the Yamaha Drum machine.
Has anyone had experience with Logic Studio and Apogee Duet? The Duet does not have faders... looks like a knob.. Apple says it is designed for Logic...
I am also looking at PreSonus Firebox with Alpha Track USB controller..
Will appreciate your ideas.
Also... What firewire external Hard drive is the Best for audio production on the iMac? (Firewire, 7200, size GB? manufacturer?)
sam. 20 oct. 2007, 15:14

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Dear "sounds2me",
Sounds like a nice set-up. Can't say I've seen your configuration discussed, Logic Studio and Apogee Duet? Apogee Duet.?! If Apogee makes it, it's good, and it does work with Mac. I just "Googled" the Apogee Duet. Awesome. Sounds like a winning set-up. All you need now is time to become acquainted with Logic Studio and play good music. Final question, this is a "Dream Wish Gear Thing" you don't actually have any of this? Hence, you asked if anyone knew if, how and why, it could, should work? Right? I really can't recall seeing your situation mentioned here. I know I'll be corrected if wrong.
Your "Dream Wish Gear Thing" sound like it will do the job for sure.
Let us know what happens. Be sharp, don't Bb.
dim. 21 oct. 2007, 15:32
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QUOTE (Mac Daddy @ Sat 20 Oct 2007, 09:14)  Dear "sounds2me",
Sounds like a nice set-up. Can't say I've seen your configuration discussed, Logic Studio and Apogee Duet? Apogee Duet.?! If Apogee makes it, it's good, and it does work with Mac. I just "Googled" the Apogee Duet. Awesome. Sounds like a winning set-up. All you need now is time to become acquainted with Logic Studio and play good music. Final question, this is a "Dream Wish Gear Thing" you don't actually have any of this? Hence, you asked if anyone knew if, how and why, it could, should work? Right? I really can't recall seeing your situation mentioned here. I know I'll be corrected if wrong.
Your "Dream Wish Gear Thing" sound like it will do the job for sure.
Let us know what happens. Be sharp, don't Bb. ----------------------------------------------------- Hi Mac Daddy.. Thanks for your reply. I own 20 iMac, Logic Studio, Korg, Micro Piano and drum machine.. Also, I have on order the FireBox and AlphaTrack... Just discovered Apogee Duet.. and wondered if that would be a better purchase. Thanks QUOTE (lepetitmartien @ Sat 20 Oct 2007, 22:08)  For the hard drive have a look in the hard drive sub forum, there's things to read.
The Duet has nice converters from the first users. ------------------------------- Dear Lepetitmartien Thank you for your reply. I read the forum on firewire Hard Drives.. The Glyph 320 with Oxford bridge and 16mb...seems to be the best one for my needs. Also, I am a 1st user... I have FireBox and AlphaTrack on order... However, since discovering Apogee Duet I wonder if iDuet would be a better choice..? Thank you, sounds2me
dim. 21 oct. 2007, 19:51
Groupe : Members
Messages : 10
Inscrit : 11 juin 03
Lieu : Kingsland - US
Membre no 19,497

QUOTE (mortalengines @ Sun 21 Oct 2007, 13:18)  ANYTHING Apogee makes is generally top notch. www.pacificproaudio.com has some very reasonably priced FW drives that are made specifically for audio recording (much cheaper than Glyph drives and work just as well).
Good Luck!
www.myspace.com/mortal_engines -------------- Thanks for this website looks like a really good HD.. sounds2me
lun. 22 oct. 2007, 17:05

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Dear Members,
Just got the latest issue of Sound On Sound. They are featuring 'Apple Logic 8'.
Price, £319.
No XS Key is required. Only a serial number.
Comes with 10 DVD's. Installation can take over a hour.
Pros: Intuitive single-window interface makes Logic easier and faster to use.
Improved mixer and audio engine, with better surrond support annd the ability to record busses internally.
Many long-standing issues heve been addressed such as sample-accurate region editing.
Many long standing issues still haven't been addressed such as the tick-based MIDI delays and the lack of full support for Macs with more than two processing cores.
MIDI functionality has stayed much the same, with no improved editing for composing music.
Surrond functionality has improved, but is still lagging behind some of the competiton.
Logic Pro 8 is a significent achievement. It makes advanced music production tools accessible, both in terms of features and price, without alienating exsisting users.
Never thought I would leave Logic 5. Then I said the same for 6 and 7. Looks like I will be making the move to 8. It's the move to 10.4.9 or later that I'm concerned about.
Too much info for this Post and my weak typing.
For full details, go to soundonsound.com
lun. 22 oct. 2007, 19:44

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Hi guys! First post, I think. I am loving my new Duet (4 days old)! It's flawless, in combination with Logic Studio, the PreSonus FaderPort and a whopping 200gb FW800 external drive. All my Logic Studio sessions sound wonderful, the stereo mix is a lot clearer and distinct than my old M-Audio box. Works very well with Studio and I figured out Maestro's control panel so it's all good there as well. The mic pres are pretty clear and there's a lot of gain. If you don't push the gain into the stratosphere, the noise level is eminently usable. I found using more than 50db (for ribbon mics, as an example) was a bit noisier than I liked. I started having to think about applying noise reduction, which is something I try to avoid. So for most stuff, I find Duet amazing. With a really good outboard preamp matched to your mics, Duet is nothing less than astonishing. When they make a similar multi-channel device that is portable (maybe a 'Symphony Mobile/Octet'-style device, I'll be in line to buy one. Here's a link to some of my music for those who may be interested: http://www.icompositions.com/artists/mickazoid
Ce message a été modifié par mickazoid - lun. 22 oct. 2007, 20:01.
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