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> Midisport Or Oms Problems?
louise g
posté mar. 12 nov. 2002, 13:06
Message #1


Groupe : Members
Messages : 4
Inscrit : 12 nov. 02
Lieu : Bellingen - AU
Membre no 9,202

Here's the problem:

I have a Midiman Midisport 1x1 connected to a G3, and when I play notes nothing seems to be registering on its 'Out'. When I play my controller (Ensoniq VFX), the "In" lights up to say it's receiving, but nothing is getting out and down the cable to my sound module (Roland JV-880).

I've checked all leads etc, and the problem has to be in the interface or the OMS set-up.

I haven't had the interface for very long, and I had it working a couple of times, but all of a sudden it's clammed up - does anyone know what this could be? all advice received very gratefully - I'm very new to all this stuff, and have come to the end of my know-how!
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posté mar. 12 nov. 2002, 15:34
Message #2

Icône de groupe

Groupe : Team
Messages : 508
Inscrit : 09 juil. 02
Lieu : Sydney - AU
Membre no 5,658

Try opening your OMS setup (no other software).
In the studio menu choose "Test Studio"
When you play your keyboard does the computer say "MIDI received"?
When you click on the icon representing your keyboard or JV-880 with the pointer (which should look like a note) do you get any sound from your keyboard or module?

Are the icons representing your keyboard and JV-880 cabled in both directions to the interace in the OMS setup?

What sequencer are you using?
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louise g
posté mar. 12 nov. 2002, 23:32
Message #3


Groupe : Members
Messages : 4
Inscrit : 12 nov. 02
Lieu : Bellingen - AU
Membre no 9,202

Thanks formatj - I did what you suggested, with these results:

1) No sound from the JV880 module when I click on it with the pointer that looks like a note (not trying to get a sound from the VFX), but the green "In" light flashes on the Midisport to say it's receiving info,

then strangely

2) When I played notes on the VFX, the OMS diagram flashed the arrow Out from the JV880, but still no green Out light flashing on the Midisport. On the OMS wiring diagram, I had left both arrows for each device, even though there's really only a cable out from VFX and a cable in to JV880.

This is weird!
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+Quote Post
posté mer. 13 nov. 2002, 00:11
Message #4

Icône de groupe

Groupe : Team
Messages : 508
Inscrit : 09 juil. 02
Lieu : Sydney - AU
Membre no 5,658

Yes it is weird!

Is your MIDIman connected directly to the computer or via a hub?
Try plugging it straight into the computer not the hub (if you are using one).
Is it powered or is it getting power from the computer via USB.
If you don't have it powered try plugging in a power adapter

If none of these.

My suggestions.
1) try reinstalling OMS (are you using 2.3.8?). Remove anything from your extension and preferences to do with OMS first.
2) try a new OMS setup.

If you can perform the tests I previously mentioned then you will know that the interface is working and OMS is set up correctly.
Then you can try and get it working with a sequencer.

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posté mer. 13 nov. 2002, 01:18
Message #5

Advanced Member

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Inscrit : 12 oct. 01
Lieu : Chandler - US
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Hmmmm,, I did not know that you could use a midisport as a midi through device. At least I've never had any real luck going that way.
Here is what I'd do .....
Plug the midi in of the Roland to the midi out of the midi sport. and connect the midi out of the Roland in of the midi sport. Run your OMS test then, I think you will find every thing working just fine. If the Roland has a midi thru port, that would be the place to plug in the midi controller. Unless the midi controller has a midi in and a midi out. In that case I'd go from the midi out of the midi sport to the midi in of the midi controller... midi out of the midi controller to the midi in of the Roland... Midi out of the Roland to the midi in of the midi sport.... Run OMS studio test.

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posté mer. 13 nov. 2002, 02:36
Message #6

Icône de groupe

Groupe : Team
Messages : 508
Inscrit : 09 juil. 02
Lieu : Sydney - AU
Membre no 5,658

I missed the fact you were using a 1x1 and not a 2x2 Midisport.
If you are only using your keyboard as a controller and not for sounds try resetting up your OMS with the following.

Choose new setup.
let OMS scan for your interface.
choose new device
select manufacturer as other (or Roland if you want)
model: "other"
Name: call this anything you like.

tick the box "is controller".
tick the box is "multitimbral".

Try not having two devices on the one OMS port in the setup and see if this helps. OMS doesn't really need to actually know the brand of keyboard/module you are using, just the number of MIDI channels etc...

What sequencing software will you be using with this?
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louise g
posté mer. 13 nov. 2002, 10:30
Message #7


Groupe : Members
Messages : 4
Inscrit : 12 nov. 02
Lieu : Bellingen - AU
Membre no 9,202

Success! Thankyou so much, both of you - from your advice I became much more methodical, and eventually went:

VFX out to Midisport in
VFX in to Midisport out
VFX thru to JV880 in

and tested everything in OMS along the way, and voila.

formatj, I'm using Logic Audio 5, just begun, a big learning curve ahead!

Again, thankyou. louise g.
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+Quote Post
posté mer. 13 nov. 2002, 10:49
Message #8

Icône de groupe

Groupe : Team
Messages : 508
Inscrit : 09 juil. 02
Lieu : Sydney - AU
Membre no 5,658

Good to hear you have it working!

Let us know if you have any problems with logic. There are a few of us here who can probably answer your questions.
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