Hard Drive. Help Requested, Newbie enquiry |
mar. 14 févr. 2006, 22:50


Groupe : Members
Messages : 43
Inscrit : 04 nov. 05
Lieu : Pasadena - US
Membre no 72,118

Foxy, as far as the size of the hard drive is concerned, it really doesn't matter as long as you "defrag" regularly. You must go with a Firewire if you plan on using it as your main audio drive, usb2 is not fast enough for real-time... About the 96k... I don't know what kind of music you plan on doing and how many tracks and plug-ins you want to use, but your emac at 1 Ghz is going to get maxed out pretty quick. Especially if you have less than 1Gb of RAM (the more RAM, the better). If it were me, I would highly consider staying at 48k, and having a smoother running system with more power, instead of always pushing the Mac to it's limit (after awhile it gets very frustrating and becomes more of a technical battle than music making). Depending on what your other equipment is, I really don't think that sonically there would be a big enough difference to justify the 96K. I have friends making records today, selling hundred's of thousands of albums that are recorded at 48k.... Don't mean to burst your bubble, just trying to give you my opinion. Good luck with whichever way you go!!!
mer. 15 févr. 2006, 18:44


Groupe : Members
Messages : 38
Inscrit : 21 janv. 05
Lieu : East Lansing - US
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You are right, looking at specs, mixfisto, firewire should be slower (400 mbps compared to USB2's 480mbps). But there are some other issues at play. In the firewire architecture both the device and the computer work to find a solution to comon file transfer problems (packet loss, other hickups etc.). Each device (your computer and external harddrive) works co-opperatively. BUT USB works as a master-slave relationship. The PC does all the error handling and processing of bandwith issues. This is not the only reasons but just one of the reasons that USB hits the CPU alot harder than Firewire. Take a look at this link for some real world test data: http://www.barefeats.com/usb2.html
jeu. 16 févr. 2006, 01:19

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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Inscrit : 23 déc. 01
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USB2 is faster on paper, but is a mess like other flavours of USB at real time uses. USB2 does better than USB1 and USB1.1, but firewire is more the reference. Also, a hard drive in firewire can boot your computer if need be, not a USB drive. Some side remarks on "my" defrag method: - it is NOT suitable for system partitions, you have to clone the system, not copy it. But for a partitons with only files like audio etc, it's ok. - files under 20 MB are optimized by OS X on its own (among the thing it does when it can run the BSD scripts at night, it can defragment small files… I'd be very cautious upon defragmentation/optimization using software on a system drive, there's been horror stories especially among Logic users… Though Drive10 has some good reputation. But we have not enough feedback to be sure for all uses.
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