How Is It Done?, Record Midi to audio track from reasons |
dim. 13 févr. 2005, 20:25

Groupe : Members
Messages : 1
Inscrit : 13 févr. 05
Lieu : Galt - US
Membre no 60,424

I use reason 2.5 as plugin can play in protools 6.4 I would like to record track to track into protools as audio. I can get play back but nothing records when I enable record on the audio track
I use Windows but I don't think this should make a difference.
lun. 14 févr. 2005, 00:54

Groupe : Members
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Inscrit : 09 févr. 04
Lieu : Saskatoon - CA
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Using Reason 2.5 you would use either NN-19 or NN-XT (I prefer NN-XT because it will allow the use of soundfonts which are plentiful and usually free), place the midi file in the NN-XT track on the sequencer and assign the correct sample (soundfont if you use them) and listen, tweak to suit yourself then render it to disk using Reason. Bring in the track to ProTools (there may be a better way as I am not the most expert in either of these tools).
jeu. 17 févr. 2005, 20:48


Groupe : Team
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Inscrit : 19 mars 03
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In Digital Performer 4.1.x/4.5.x all Reason outputs (64channels - if I remeber correctly) are immediately available to chose as inputs for audio tracks in DP.
Place midifiles in the Reason sequender, choose a soundfont. Assign audio outs from Reason as audio-inputs in DP. Record enable the audio-tracks in DP.
You should be set to go.
Cheers: Dixiechicken
================== Oh my god it's full of stars… --------------------------------------------------- Mac-G5-2x.2.0, OS-X 10.5.1, 250/200Gb HD - 7.0Gb ram DP-5.13, Motu 828 MK-II, MTP AV Usb, ltst drvs, Kurzweil-2000, EPS-16, Proteus-2000, Yamaha 01V Emes Kobalt monitors ================================
dim. 10 avril 2005, 03:31


Groupe : Members
Messages : 30
Inscrit : 21 mars 05
Lieu : San Francisco - US
Membre no 62,759

I know this is a little off topic but do the same midi rules for dp apply to audio desk? Garageband lets you play both program audio files at once, but I seem to only be able to add the tracks to audio desk, not able to alter midi files latter. Thanks!
Mac Book Pro Intel 2 duo, 2.16 2gb ram, Cubase 4, Reason 3.5, Peak, motu 828mkII, OctoPre Le, some mics and Ideas, and your helpful tips.
lun. 6 juin 2005, 05:20

Groupe : Members
Messages : 13
Inscrit : 27 févr. 05
Lieu : Singapore - SG
Membre no 61,412

Hi guys, This is not exactly a hardware question. I am extremely new to Mac business and have just got a 17" Powerbook G4 1.67MH. I have worked extensively in PC Audio using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 and latest sonar versions. Hence I have just bought Logic Express 7 to begin with and perhaps up grade to Pro, once I am comfortable with the software. The first this I would like to learn is "How do you generate your own loops using sounds from the built in sampler Mk .... I have used Akai samples. Will someone help? Narayanan
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