A Few Questions And Thoughts, OS9 or OSX? |
sam. 27 mars 2004, 05:46

Groupe : Members
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Inscrit : 13 mars 04
Lieu : Mountain Home - US
Membre no 38,365

Well I finally made the transition to Mac in my home studio, and I am currently stuck between a rock and a hard place on this. Here is my system: I'm running a Beige G3 (maxed on ram) Pro tools (free) I was going to toss a 40 gig HD in along with the stock HD, and right now it has 9.2 on it. I have an OSX disk lying here, and I thought I might try an install  I am basically going to be running a MTP II, alot of exterior midi hardware synths, etc. I was planning on using freemidi, OMS, and clockworks, but I went to MOTU's website, and freemidi or clockworks aren't on the downloads for X... and that sucks, since I've grown familiar to these, in tandem with 9. Can they even be ran on X? or should I stick to the older os? It seems to be pretty stable so far (more than I can say for my old Atari St that got me started in music) does anyone have any suggestions on this? thanks in advance, Temple
dim. 28 mars 2004, 20:23

Groupe : Members
Messages : 23
Inscrit : 21 mars 04
Lieu : Alameda - US
Membre no 38,982

Don't do it. You'll be sad trying to run OSX on a beige machine. Trust me. OS9 is a good and stable system, why change? There's more software out for it anyway.
lun. 29 mars 2004, 16:14

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sad the future will be youg padawan if you choooooooooose the Xside on a g3 beige is it a g3 233 ?? you simply xon't be abble to work on it tell if you can, ( he is maybe the one ??????  )
lui donner croquettes seulement le matin / son collier anti puce est actif 3 mois / et tous ses vaccins sont à jour....vous verez il est A DO RA BLE :-)
lun. 29 mars 2004, 21:48

Groupe : Members
Messages : 23
Inscrit : 21 mars 04
Lieu : Alameda - US
Membre no 38,982

Weirder things have happened. I recently found, at work, that when going from 10.2 to 10.3 that my second video card stopped working. When I checked ATI's site they basically said, "That card won't ever work with OSX."
It had been for about a year.
Took it out and swapped it for a newer one and it continued to work in 10.2, but for sure not 10.3.
I used to have a G4 450 that I upgraded to 10.1. It was really unstable. Also, it got unstable in any flavor of OS9 except 9.1. It was a great machine as long as it was running 9.1.
Basically a true Jedi has patience and knows that a premature upgrade will only lead to the Darkside.
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