I am looking to purchase a recording unti to capture live performance without interuption, to then be dumped into my computer later for mixing, editing, mastering etc..
My current set-up is
tiBook 667
Tascam US-428
Cubase VST 5.1
several pairs of stereo-matched pair mics
Pre-sonus mp20 preamp
Pre-sonus blue-tube preamp
Furman Conditioner
The 428 is great, but it still requires a computer and their is the chance of crashing.
My group performs ratehr long tunes (classical duo), so the ability to just let the tape roll s-to-speak is a virtue. I want to be able to record an hour of music straight, then deal with the computer later. I grew-up using DAT-s in the radio business, but am wondering if stand alone CD burner isnt the way to go nowadays.
I have been eyeing the Alesis Masterlink for its flexibilty, 24 bit CD's, ability to archive and master, and the internal drive is cool also. Another contender would be the Tacaam CDRW 2000.
For DATS I have looked at the Tascam decks.
I need something that has XLR analog inputs as well as digital (the XLR issue limits my possibilites).
Any ideas, opinions, or experiences relevant to my situation would be great.
p.s. I already have an external Yamaha CD burner attache to the iMac and the tiBook has an internal burner. Also, there is the price difference between DAT and Burner, both tfor the deck and the medium.