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Né(e) le 11 Mars 1980
(45 ans)
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hi all new to the forum so i thought i'd start with an easy one :-)
i've been writing tunes for a while now, and always get to the same stage in the prossess before encountering problems...Mastering. getting the compositional elements right isn't a problem (well it is it just takes a lot of time but when i come to bouncing down my tunes and compare them to oh i don't know some one like prefuse 73, the quality of sound is different. They always seem to be able to get it that little bit louder than me. Obviously they've got all that fancy equipment, but i'm sure it's just a question of time again, and knowing the right steps to take.
at the moment when bouncing down i simply make sure all the volumes are right, nothing is clipping, the panning is nicely spread and there is't too much frequency intrerferance, (everything has its own space) idon't use any compression, or effects, (just a bit of limiter) because i want to keep the dynamic range. iwas wondering if anyone had any tips for me, coz iwant to put up a websight with all mi tunes on , but none of them really feel finnished, ya know. wicked well if any one has any tips let me know thaks for your time
take it easy kundy
hi all, new to the forum.......hope you're all well, and thanks for looking at my post.......
Just a quick question, is it possible to export audio (.wav) with marker infomation attached i.e. que up a load of points for an animator to use in another app. (flash, director) and have this info all as one file. I need to do this in logic gold 5.5 on a mac........if you can't (i've looked through the manual and couldn't find it) could any one suggest a piece of soft ware that can do it (pref. free ware!)
nice one
thanks for your time
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